In the late 60's - early 70's of the last century, the main scientific laboratory topics were connected with the study of thermal properties of structural materials and processes of heat - and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies at low temperatures (4.2 - 100 K), as well as cryogenic storage and hydrogen transportation. During this period original experimental setup (vacuum supersonic wind tunnel (two chambers of 6 and 10 m3), vacuum stands for the study of heat transfer at low temperatures (4,2-20 K), the original nitrogen and helium cryostats for determining thermal properties of structural materials in the temperature range 4,2-400 K were created. The study of heat transfer in the interaction of the supersonic flow of rarefied gas (M*20) with model bodies of porous materials was successfully carried out. Much attention was paid to the study of heat- and mass transfer during evaporation and sublimation of water in vacuum, boiling and condensation of cryogenic fluid (helium, nitrogen), and the process flow and filtering gaseous and liquid nitrogen and helium in the porous heat-pipes with walls in diphase transpiration cooling, in the low-temperature heat pipes.
Experimental samples of porous superconducting current leads, electrical cables, superconducting solenoid, cryogenic pumps, cryogenic heat pipes have been developed and tested. Members of the laboratory have developed a number of original designs of heat pipes, evaporators, condensers and sublimator space purposes. Some of the developed products have been used in Moscow and Dnepropetrovsk. In 1974, field experiments were carried out in space by testing the operation of the aluminum heat pipes with axial grooves design of Information Technologies. In the 70's - 80's years of XX century heat pipes of various designs with respect to temperature control systems of space, were designed in particular for the space station "Mir". Laboratory of porous media has initiated work on the creation of new designs of heat pipes and organized regular conferences on heat pipes in the USSR. The laboratory staff conducted the study, developed and implemented in the national economy dozens of new designs of heat pipes, evaporators, condensers, and devices using them. The main ones include: heat pipes for heating, cooling and temperature control of electronic equipment, molds, batteries electricity, mining explosion-proof dry transformers, thermoplastificators, rotating parts of electrical machinery, medical devices, heat pipes for use in the permafrost zone, in greenhouses, with freezing ice pillars in mines, etc. About 300 inventors certificates of the USSR, 12 foreign patents, 10 patents of Republic of Belarus were received.
The laboratory developments were presented at various exhibitions, awarded with 35 medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, diplomas of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the BSSR and other exhibitions. In 1996 the Order of Friendship of the Chinese government was received for the development and introduction of heat pipe manufacturing technologies in the province of Ljaoling. In 2002 – 2003 in the porous media laboratory experimental studies of the process of sublimation thermal control system cooling suits of astronauts were carried out. In the period 2004 – 2006 laboratory staff have successfully completed the work on the creation and study of two-phase thermal control systems for Belarusian satellite of the Earth "Squirrel".
In 2004 Leonard L. Vasiliev was awarded a prize named after Indian scientist, ARCOT RAMACHNDRAN, in 2012 he became the winner of the prestigious international award - a gold Grover medal - as the founder of scientific school in the field of heat pipes in Belarus and in 2013 he received the international Koptyug award for honoring his work.
At present the main research area of the laboratory is associated with the study of fluid flow and heat transfer of two-phase flow in porous media, heat pipes, sorption heat transformers, storage and transportation of hydrogen-containing gases (hydrogen, methane, ammonia) at low pressure in the adsorbed state. Much attention is paid to the process of heat transfer in mini-channel heat exchangers, heat pipes and thermosyphons using nanotechnology (nanofluids and thermal-nanocoating surfaces). From 1992 to the present laboratory staff is actively working on improving the effectiveness of the use of natural gas in the Republic of Belarus.
Porous media Lab support international contacts with research centers in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, China, India and other countries. Organizes international conferences for cooperation in areas related to the cooling of electronic equipment, the development of new technologies of storage and transportation of natural gas and ammonia, the development of refrigeration and heat pumps, air-conditioning, the effective use of alternative and renewable energy resources, the introduction of energy efficient technologies, etc.
Minsk International Seminar “Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, Power Sources” (up to 2005 – “Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators”) is a traditional event, provided by the A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute and NIS Scientific Association “Heat Pipes” on the basis of porous media laboratory. Conferences were successfully realized during twenty years since 1993. 9th Conference “Minsk International Seminar “Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, Power Sources” will be organized in Minsk, Belarus, in 07–10 of September, 2015.
During the period from 1993 to 2014 the members of porous media laboratory had 19 international projects from 11 countries.