New designs of:

-Study of heat and mass transfer processes in the sorption systems for heat and cold generation. Development and testing of heat pumps and refrigerators for systems of energy co-generation and tri-generation with heat utilization of alterative energy sources (soil, subsoil waters, solar radiation energy, water ponds) and secondary energy resources (exhaust gases of boilers and furnaces, waster water and steam of thermoelectric power stations and boilers);

-sorption heat pumps and long heat pipes for room heating with the use of soil heat and solar radiation;

-vacuum-sorption drying and heat-insulation installations; sorption refrigerators for conditioning systems;

-heat and cold accumulators; new tanks for storage and transportation of natural gas, hydrogen, and methane in the sorbent-bound state at low pressure;

-ecologically pure conditioning and ventilation systems for transport and living quarters;

-cooling and thermal regulation of micro-and optoelectronics, laser technology with the use of capillary-porous structures and heat pipes;

Energy utilization of:

-secondary energy resources (exhaust gases of boilers and furnaces, waste water and steam of thermoelectric power stations and boilers) by means of sorption heat pumps and heat-pipe-based heat exchangers;;

-alternative sources (soil, subsoil waters, solar radiation energy, water ponds) by means of heat pipes and sorption heat pumps;

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