Adsorption system with two-phase heat exchanger for effective accumulation and safe storage of gaseous fuel
Leonard L.Vasiliev, L.E. Kanonchik, M.I. Rabetsky
Porous media laboratory, Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Science of BELARUS
5th International Workshop on heat/Mass Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control August 13-16, 2019 Novosibirsk, Russia
Heat Pipes For Fuel Cells Thermal Control
Leonard Vasiliev, Leonid Vasiliev Jr.
Heat Pipes For Space Application, Moskow, 15-19 Septermber, 2009
Innovative Heat Pipes and Thermosyphons for Renewable Sources of Energy Applications
Leonard. L. Vasiliev
National Heat Science and Techonology Congress, 2017, Çorum